RICS Building Survey

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Level Three – RICS Building Survey

Formally known as Full Structural Survey 

A RICS Building Survey is ideal for you if:
  1. You are purchasing a very old or dilapidated property
  2. The building is unusual or of non-traditional construction
  3. The building has been significantly altered
The following elements are included as part of the RICS Building Survey:
  • A very thorough inspection, and a detailed report on the construction and a wider range of issues
  • A description of visible defects and potential problems caused by hidden flaws, the cause of defects
  • List of remedial works required, and the consequence of not acting
  • Advice for your legal advisers and details of serious risks and dangerous conditions.
old unique property requires full structural survey

The RICS Building Survey provides a comprehensive analysis of the property’s structure and condition. This survey is a suitable choice if you have any major concerns about the property or are planning to do a lot of work on it.  To uncover all possible issues of the property, the surveyor will look at the house top-to-bottom in all accessible areas. 

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